Southeastern Wyoming had the need for goats and goat adventures to be available for those who can’t or don’t readily have goats. Pine Ranch added goats to the family line-up in 2019. We spent 2020 preparing our goats for their Regional debut for the public. The goat program took off in 2021 and we are excited for the extensions we have added to our offerings in 2022! We will continue to offer goat milking classes, goat relaxation sessions and who can resist the ever popular goat yoga classes. We have added Sunset goat hikes in the Bluffs near our house where the summer sunsets are absolutely breath taking. We have also found the need to add goat parties at the Ranch and at your location. Please message me for details! Our goats continue to be a main focal point in our amazing Homestead Experiences as well. The Abundairy goats are certain to bring you great joy and peace.
Goats have long been shown to increase oxytocin levels (the “bonding hormone”), increase dopamine levels (a neurotransmitter associated with rewards), decrease cortisol levels (the “stress hormone”), decrease blood pressure, and improve PTSD/depression/anxiety. Our amazing Pine Ranch goats have a mission:To bring love, happiness, affection, laughter, and calmness to people ailing in mind, body, or spirit. You will find that life is so hard to take seriously when goats are involved!
This class is a great and unusual way to get in some exercise amidst the sights and sounds of nature. This class is ALL about playing with, walking with, snuggling with and enjoying goats. This hike will be a loop hike at Pine Bluffs east of Cheyenne that is suitable for people of all hiking levels across easy terrain. Distance will be decided at the onset of each hike and according to participant’s physical ability. We will meet at Pine Ranch promptly at 8:00am and depart to the trail. Each participant will have their own goat to hike with (on leash of course). Along the way, we will stop to eat a light provided snacks (bring your own beverage), take photos with and learn about our goats. Recommended age is 8 and up. Younger may join in the walk but will not be leading a goat. Children under five must be carried or ride in a stroller. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable hiking shoes, dress appropriately. Be sure to bring water, sunscreen, bug spray and any other thing you feel necessary for a hike. Approximately 1 1/2 hours $35 per person per 1 1/2hour session. Limited to fifteen hikers minimum 5 hikers
Saturday mornings at 8:00 am -10:00 am
Picture this. You are lying quietly in some hay on your favorite blanket. The smells of fresh hay, sun kissed goats, animal feed and clean air permeate your entire being. Tranquility seeps in while the warm sun envelopes you in a way you haven’t experienced since you were a child. All of a sudden you feel it; they tiny hoof is pawing at your arm begging for that connection unique only to a goat. You roll over to discover the coolest looking amber eyes pleading with you to be present in the here and now for this one goat. Rising to a sitting position finds you with a sudden lap full of friendly goat!
Join us for an unusual experience of the grandest proportion! Unwind and relax amidst the Ranch’s gregarious goats. Remember that you will be outside with goats (and perhaps chickens and cats). Don’t wear your best clothes and don’t bring your very best blanket or mat but do dress comfortably and bring something snuggy to lie on. You will leave realigned, more grounded and most definitely elated!
Cost $20/person FOR EACH CLASS
Visit our Events page to see the list of currently scheduled classes.
Do downward dog alongside some unusual baby goats! Class led by Yogi Jessica Nyffler (200 hour RYT with over five years teaching experience)!! Come meet the amazing and exceedingly friendly Pine Ranch goats and unwind doing some fabulous beginner yoga poses. This class is appropriate even for people who have never YOGA(ed) before. Dress comfortably; bring your mat that you don’t mind to get dirty and water…we will provide the rest. Please do not bring food to feed the goats. Be sure to arrive 15 minutes before class time. Class minimum 6, Class Maximum…call when we reach 20 to see if we want to add more. $30 per person per class
Children must be able to sit quietly on mat if they choose not to participate in yoga.
Looking for an unusual idea for your regular occasion? Consider one of our custom goat parties as an option. You and your guests will have a memorable time with the comedians of Pine Ranch. Our little goats will help you celebrate your occasion in a way only goats can do! PERFECT for Birthday parties, Anniversaries, Bachelorette parties, photo shoots, corporate events, Bridal Showers, women’s retreats and team building.
Working with goats has its risks, especially when touching and playing with them. We have signage informing guests to wash hands before and after handling the goats. We have hand washing stations for all participants. We also provide hand sanitizer for an additional sanitation control. A common worry among guests is that a goat will poop on them or their yoga mat. We’ve learned to minimize the goats bowel movements during lessons by timing their feeding. Although the method works, we still may have the occasional accident. No worries! We have trained farmhands to ensure a sanitary and healthy environment for our guests. If a goat makes a mess on a mat, we remove it, sanitize the mat immediately at one of our sanitation stations and the guest’s mat will be replaced with a fresh one. One of the duties of the farmhands is to sanitize your mats for you before you leave. We use antibacterial soap as well as bleach or ammonia to sanitize. We do this because we love our goats and we love our guests!
The health and safety of the goats in our program is extremely important to us. All of the Ranch goats have been tested for communicable illnesses transferable from herd to herd or goat to human. The goats are also up to date on all vaccination to minimize the risk of illness from human to goat. Our herd is tested and vaccinated yearly.
Although goats are very resilient animals, they are also very fragile. Their diet requires special attention. Please do not bring food for the goats. Goats have sensitive stomachs. Sudden changes in feed can make our goats sick and potentially put their life in danger. We will provide treats for you to feed the goats after your sessions are complete.